Xixi Wetland Artist Studio



西方繪畫與透視的起點在於觀者與實景之間關系三度空間的平面化。設計意圖希望透過觀者的凝視間有意識的改變,景觀的平面呈現被重新再框,觀者的主體性再次被實踐。有別於中國江南傳統園林設計中敘事空間的“框景”,“即步換景移”的時空關系, 這個設計以還原電影的方式,重新探討時間、空間與風景關系:移動時所見的景觀和風景,透過“再框”重組基地原有景觀,重組對基地風景的概念及經驗,形成一連串的“動景”。“框景”的概念被重新定義及豐富了。
The site sits on narrow strips of land opens to water views both in their front and back, while the design refers to its conceptual strategy as spatio-architectural tactics “Re-framing Moving Views”, amplifying the subjectivity and experiences of the viewer through architectural reframing. Fusing allusions to classical Chinese aesthetic treatises on landscape and editing techniques of film as an extension of the static analytical gaze of perspective, the architecture reinterprets the wetland landscape through its experiencing, attempting to provoke new spatial possibilities from visual perception to emotional and intellectual understanding. The design conceived the building as a series of architectural viewing apparatuses that attempt to reproduce a variety of landscape viewing experience that visitors to the site could encounter, in which mountain, water, sky and earth are gathered in differing permutations. Different from typical urban fabric of inward courtyard in Chinese Cities, the linier fabric of villages in south China is outward looking based on its functional connection with the waterway. Like the urban fabric of water villages, the architecture unit of Xixi is established based on the collection and interweaving of relationships from each individual working space with water, sand dune and mount. Strolling along the architectural promenade, each individual framing enhances the gazing of view with level distant, loft distant, and deep distance, exploring the possibility of linier landscape experience through mountain, water, sky and the earth.

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