Rebuilding Choi Yuen Village
Rebuilding Choi Yuen Village
Hong Kong
Hong Kong

菜園村是2010年香港高鐵工程動遷居民抗爭後的遷村重建運動,也是後殖民的香港市民投身城市及田園空間自主權反思的裏程碑。村民以自立方式覓地建村化挫折為行動,挑戰程序理性機制一貫的“拆村上樓公屋”動遷模式, 也提供香港市民一個機會重新審視新界的土地政策,以及探索社區建築的新方向。
The design of Choi Yuan Village is a community re-habitation project in the New Territory of Hong Kong. Started as a protest against village re-location by the construction of High-Speed Rail Link, the movement marks a turning point for formulating alternative planning strategies for bottom-up development and organic agriculture, as well as green architecture and grass-root participation in rural Hong Kong.
The project completed a set of detailed designs for a low cost eco-village and its buildings, demonstrating sustainable design concepts including conservation of fishpond and orchard, allocation of commune land for organic farming, arrangement for a vehicular-free pedestrian system, as well as development of public spaces and infrastructures with rain water collection and waste water recycling. By formulating a typological based participation mechanism, as well as a set of architecture measures for facilitating natural ventilation and lighting, establishing rainwater collection and green-roof for each houses, the project opens up new opportunities for community architecture against the mainstream mode of housing development in Hong Kong.
The project completed a set of detailed designs for a low cost eco-village and its buildings, demonstrating sustainable design concepts including conservation of fishpond and orchard, allocation of commune land for organic farming, arrangement for a vehicular-free pedestrian system, as well as development of public spaces and infrastructures with rain water collection and waste water recycling. By formulating a typological based participation mechanism, as well as a set of architecture measures for facilitating natural ventilation and lighting, establishing rainwater collection and green-roof for each houses, the project opens up new opportunities for community architecture against the mainstream mode of housing development in Hong Kong.