NIKE Design and Production Center
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh

該建築是為知名運動鞋廠設計的集研發辦公, 工廠加工為一體的工業建築。從工廠作業流水 線和不同組別的研發組團的功能特性出發,結 合考慮當地炎熱濕潤的氣候條件對通風和遮陽 的要求,將兩層通高的長條形的大型工廠車間 南北向布置,在北面沿著工廠的長邊由西向東 垂直插入一個個兩層高的研發辦公單元樓,相 鄰單元樓和廠房圍合成一面開放的院落空間, 院子的北面有天橋將單元樓在二樓連接,加強 院落的圍合感;最東面的一個單元樓最長,為 三層高,底層完全架空,北端跨在一個與廠房 平行的入口景觀水池智商,是作為整個鞋廠建 築的主入口及行政辦公樓。
整個建築以研發辦公單元為模矩,將傳統的大 廠房空間在立面和屋頂天窗構成上劃分成若幹 塊,每一個模矩裏都有一個和辦公單元插入位 置相對應的用來拔風散熱的屋頂天窗,形成了 內部采光和外部造型的韻律感;同時各個研發 單元之間形成有層次的院落空間,種植熱帶植 物和水景形成陰涼舒適的微環境,並通過在大 廠房沿著北立面布置的一二樓走廊和院子北面的天橋,形成了圍繞著院落的多角度休閑觀景 的豐富步行體驗。
工廠區間和研發辦公樓的東西立面因遮陽的需 要,均為紅磚砌的實墻面,並配合錯位鏤空砌 磚,在豐富的立面形象的同時為室內帶來通過 轉動濾過後的柔和光線。
整個建築以研發辦公單元為模矩,將傳統的大 廠房空間在立面和屋頂天窗構成上劃分成若幹 塊,每一個模矩裏都有一個和辦公單元插入位 置相對應的用來拔風散熱的屋頂天窗,形成了 內部采光和外部造型的韻律感;同時各個研發 單元之間形成有層次的院落空間,種植熱帶植 物和水景形成陰涼舒適的微環境,並通過在大 廠房沿著北立面布置的一二樓走廊和院子北面的天橋,形成了圍繞著院落的多角度休閑觀景 的豐富步行體驗。
工廠區間和研發辦公樓的東西立面因遮陽的需 要,均為紅磚砌的實墻面,並配合錯位鏤空砌 磚,在豐富的立面形象的同時為室內帶來通過 轉動濾過後的柔和光線。
This Design and Production Center for Nike in the Ho Chi Ming
City explores sustainability for green factories in Vietnam. Facilitating
efficient production as well as requirements for natural ventilation and
effective shading for natural lighting due to the hot-humid climate, the
rectangular factory of two-story in height facing the direction of north and
south against the large water body, maximizing the prevailing wind crossing
through the building. The section profile of the large volume articulates
distances of tall windows for facilitating cross-ventilation, lifting the floor
slab from the ground allowing ground water evaporating for cooling the air
inside. A sequence of modular design labs is inserted into the factory massing
from the north-facing façade, creating a series of water courtyards in-between
becoming ecological ponds for air-cooling water recycling. The large factory volume
is subdivided into modular units each arranged with integrated systems of
structure, skylights, tall-windows and vent-shafts, creating rhythms of
interior lighting and exterior form as well as allowing for future expansion.
Verandas on the north connecting different design labs, and the north-south footbridge
axis on the upper levels of the factory looking down the production line,
coordinate the overall massing while enhancing the experiences of multiple
views and movements of the factory.