Fumin Elementary School
Fumin Elementary School
第一次我們拿著學校給我們的基地現況圖, 走在瓦礫滿地的校園, 建築物沒有了, 剩下一棵棵大大小小的樹木。我註意到圖紙上密密麻麻的、精確的標明了每一棵大小樹木的位置和學名, 一問之下知道是總務長在地震後逐一標記在圖上給建築師用的。校長詳細的敘述這幾棵櫻桃樹是哪一年種的, 春天開什麽樣的花…感動之余,才真正體會這裏的每一個環境物件:開旗臺, 小魚池, 秋千架, 滑梯, 當然有每一棵樹木, 都是他們有意義的生活整體。在草圖上無意識地畫著建築物的可能位置時,線條不知不覺地就避開了這一些大大小小的樹木。
最後的建築線條變成在樹木之間遊走:川廊開圓洞給大樹, 餐廳開天井給櫻桃樹, 廊道的木地板延伸到大王椰樹幹上, 小朋友就脫掉鞋子一路從教室走到樹下…不砍去任何一棵樹就成了支配設計最重要的力量。
最後的建築線條變成在樹木之間遊走:川廊開圓洞給大樹, 餐廳開天井給櫻桃樹, 廊道的木地板延伸到大王椰樹幹上, 小朋友就脫掉鞋子一路從教室走到樹下…不砍去任何一棵樹就成了支配設計最重要的力量。
This design re-evaluates the meaning of daily-life objects: fishpond, sand pit, slide, pavilion, particularly every trees of large and small that remains in the campus after the earthquake. By sketching the possible location of the new building and consciously avoided touching all the trees. The building line therefore, moves and wiggles among the trees, connecting elements and making spaces with their daily-trace, activating the potential of activities created by architecture and trees. The design tried to have the building to be not taller than the trees and to move among them, making it an integral part of the setting. The building form gradually transformed into an organic linear building mass anchoring to the open field and trees. Rather than following particular spatial ideology or geometry, it allowed the building form to follow our senses—sight, sound and touch, sunrise and sunset, wind and light. As the building wiggles through the woods and dance with the trees, even the façade windows and roof shape starts to move and follow the rhythm of the children, music, mountain and trees.