Exhibition Pavilions of Tsun Yip Street Park
Exhibition Pavilions of Tsun Yip Street Park
Hong Kong
Hong Kong

駿業街公園展覽亭位於香港九龍, 是觀塘地區城 市公共空間的一個重要節點,除了展示東九龍 的工業文化,更是社區活動的重要場所。作為 東九龍工業遺產城市設計的實踐項目,這個裝 置結合了東九龍城市發展與公園的整體改造, 將四個貨櫃集裝箱改變成開放式的序列展覽 亭,不但讓市民了解地區的文化傳統,同時改 善了觀塘公共空間的品質, 成為居民及工廈員工 午餐及休閑活動的好去處。
配合四個序列的展覽主題:導言-回顧-展 望-開創,本設計引入了相對應的四個空間原 型:經過-遊走-仰望-凝視,探討九龍東工 業發展的歷史與未來。經由嘗試四種打開集裝 箱外皮的機制:推開-拉開-轉開-上開,本 設計探索展板的各種展示模式和展覽與觀眾的 互動關系,以及鼓勵發展各種形態的室內外環 境之間的中介空間。這個展覽亭/廳的設計希望 兼具展示與休閑的功能,包容社區與文化的活 動,以及結合公共藝術與市民的日常生活。
配合四個序列的展覽主題:導言-回顧-展 望-開創,本設計引入了相對應的四個空間原 型:經過-遊走-仰望-凝視,探討九龍東工 業發展的歷史與未來。經由嘗試四種打開集裝 箱外皮的機制:推開-拉開-轉開-上開,本 設計探索展板的各種展示模式和展覽與觀眾的 互動關系,以及鼓勵發展各種形態的室內外環 境之間的中介空間。這個展覽亭/廳的設計希望 兼具展示與休閑的功能,包容社區與文化的活 動,以及結合公共藝術與市民的日常生活。
Exhibition Pavilions of Tsun Yip Street Park is an
important urban node for public spaces illustrat-
ing industrial history of East Kowloon, bring to-
gether the urban activities of local residents and
working communities with the cultural heritage of
city. Working with existing urban fabrics and land-
scapes, the project not only link four pavilions with
the pedestrian flow of the park, it also intends to
kick-off the shaping of new types of small scaled
urban spaces for the regeneration of East Kowloon
Industrial District.
By converting four industrial containers into exhibi- tion pavilions, the project demonstrates the design of adaptive reuse for public spaces in Hong Kong. In response to the sequence of four exhibition programs: introduction/ retrospection/ envisioning/ prospecting, four spatial experiences of passing through/ meandering around/ looking up/ gazing into are introduced to illustrate the spirit of creation in the Industrial Heritage of Kowloon East.Through four different modes of opening up the container’s enclosure: pushing/sliding/ rotating/lifting up, the design looks into different methods of operating display panels for enhancing the interaction be- tween exhibition and audience, as well as explor- ing different types of transitional spaces between indoor and outdoor environments. The pavilion is designed for accommodating exhibition and lei- sure, community and culture, as well as public art and urban daily-life.
By converting four industrial containers into exhibi- tion pavilions, the project demonstrates the design of adaptive reuse for public spaces in Hong Kong. In response to the sequence of four exhibition programs: introduction/ retrospection/ envisioning/ prospecting, four spatial experiences of passing through/ meandering around/ looking up/ gazing into are introduced to illustrate the spirit of creation in the Industrial Heritage of Kowloon East.Through four different modes of opening up the container’s enclosure: pushing/sliding/ rotating/lifting up, the design looks into different methods of operating display panels for enhancing the interaction be- tween exhibition and audience, as well as explor- ing different types of transitional spaces between indoor and outdoor environments. The pavilion is designed for accommodating exhibition and lei- sure, community and culture, as well as public art and urban daily-life.