Campus Planning of Chinese University of Hong Kong (SZ)
Campus Planning of Chinese University of Hong Kong (SZ)

香港中文大學深圳校園的規劃理念,將主要的建築量體沿著城市街廓配置,遠離山體,維持了自然生態的完整性,由山麓到綠地到構築以 “山/林/院“三個平行的線性空間展開:禮 堂、行政樓、圖書館、學生中心以及書院沿著山麓,以序列單體建築的形式分開配置,襯托 山體並保持了校園空間和山體的聯系;線性的 大構築教學和實驗室建築,以院落的連續肌理 形式,配置在山體對側的沿街面; 大構築線 性教學樓與序列單體兩組建築之間80米寬的連 續綠地和樹林,成為校園中央的綠色軸線。圖書館丶書院宿舍及學生中心有序地沿著山坡交 錯排開,除了與自然地貌融合,更將山體間谷地的景觀水文帶入校園中央的林蔭中軸。
交叉院落形式的教學大樓沿著城市街廓形成半通透 的屏障,聯系而又隔濾了城市道路的繁忙,為校舍與山林間的林蔭中軸營造了寧靜的校園空 間。校園中央寬廣的林蔭中軸,一方面延續了傑弗遜校園綠地中軸的空間傳統,另一方面將對稱軸線轉化為非對稱的自然綠地,連接了校園西側的山體生態,重構了可持續的樹林水文與綠地景觀肌理。
交叉院落形式的教學大樓沿著城市街廓形成半通透 的屏障,聯系而又隔濾了城市道路的繁忙,為校舍與山林間的林蔭中軸營造了寧靜的校園空 間。校園中央寬廣的林蔭中軸,一方面延續了傑弗遜校園綠地中軸的空間傳統,另一方面將對稱軸線轉化為非對稱的自然綠地,連接了校園西側的山體生態,重構了可持續的樹林水文與綠地景觀肌理。
The Campus Planning for the Chinese
University of Hong Kong in Shenzhen brings together architectural typology of
courtyard with the landscape terrain and its mountain form, creates a central
green mall allowing nature to become the dominating sublime. Replacing the
formality of classical symmetry in Jefferson’s campus prototype, the design
articulates academic programs into one mega-block with a sequence of courtyard
spaces, parallel to the central green while lining up against the city edge
away from the mountain green. Allowing the water and nature to flow into the
green mall through the valley, the design also arranged a series of separate
pavilion buildings along the foothill across the central green: library, students
center, administration, dormitory and conference hall, creating visual and ecological corridors spacing in-between the
The planning takes the natural terrain as the overall composition in contrasting to the academic mega-form, incorporating the natural valley and water integrating with the campus infrastructure system for rain water collection and recycling. The square quadrant with a sunken plaza in the middle of the central green not only connecting the library and student’s center to the academic spine, it also moderates the campus contour and coordinate with different datum levels. By leaving the nature alone and gives way to the mountain and landscape, the mega-form as a continuous aggregation contrasting to the independent pavilions array along the landscape, becomes even stronger as a form in the planning diagram.
Joint Group of Campus Planning:
Wang Weijen Architecture
Rocco Design Ltd
Gravity Partnership Ltd
The planning takes the natural terrain as the overall composition in contrasting to the academic mega-form, incorporating the natural valley and water integrating with the campus infrastructure system for rain water collection and recycling. The square quadrant with a sunken plaza in the middle of the central green not only connecting the library and student’s center to the academic spine, it also moderates the campus contour and coordinate with different datum levels. By leaving the nature alone and gives way to the mountain and landscape, the mega-form as a continuous aggregation contrasting to the independent pavilions array along the landscape, becomes even stronger as a form in the planning diagram.
Joint Group of Campus Planning:
Wang Weijen Architecture
Rocco Design Ltd
Gravity Partnership Ltd